
Kaysun @JKSun22

Age 24, Male

Joined on 6/17/24

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JKSun22's News

Posted by JKSun22 - 1 month ago

New level just dropped!

After outrunning the many Dragoons outside of the Dragon Syndicate's prison through a long tunnel, Magli and Knigel find themselves in a seemingly abandoned underground parking garage--save for the groups of even more Dragoons who have been waiting to ambush the couple inside their one path into the city! Aim your attacks carefully as you try to navigate through each claustrophobic floor and stairway, and try not to fall back down into the floors below you!

Player Character Changes:

  • Draelyn can now crouch in midair; she can even use wing jumps while crouching! Since this conflicts with the fast falling input, you must now press Crouch + Attack while falling to fast fall.
  • Draelyn's slide now has longer coyote time on startup (0.1s -> 0.2s)--this will provide a faster way of crossing gaps in crawl spaces compared to Magli's dodge.
  • Magli can now crouch while gliding (and vice-versa)!
  • Magli's star-boosted state will no longer wear off right away when touching the ground. If you have high-enough speed from a horizontal star boost, jump as soon as you touch the ground to preserve your speed and extend your boost! (HINT: Watch for the white sparkles!)

Level Adjustments:

  • Reduced the enemy count of the long vertical section of Ch. 1-1 (They've been relocated to 1-2 to better intercept their escaped prisoner).
  • Fast Fall and Super Jump room in Ch. 0-2 matches new Fast Fall input method.



Posted by JKSun22 - July 23rd, 2024


General Changes:

  • Added an options menu that can be accessed from the title or during gameplay with settings for glide toggle, crouch toggle, and controller bindings.
  • Boss dialogue can now be skipped with Escape Key/Start.

Level Adjustments:

  • Added medal fragments to every level prior to 1-1.
  • Added helper image sequences to 0-1.
  • Re-added and changed the order of some rooms in 0-3.
  • Added a new room to demonstrate switching forms in midair or on a wall as well as the wall jump refresh.
  • Added an extra looping one-room level where you can freely experiment with Magli Draelyn's moveset.

Player Character Changes:

  • Magli Draelyn has new idle animations that play while her temper level is vulnerable.
  • Magli's maximum glide time has been reduced from 5s to 3s to balance out the wall jump refresh.
  • Draelyn's Fire Tackle can now be slide canceled midway through her active frames and at any time during her endlag frames so long as she's on the ground.
  • Increased the speed penalty of slide canceling Fire Tackle from -60% to -75%.
  • Draelyn can now jump cancel her Fire Tackle in midair as long as her wing jumps haven't been used up.
  • When Draelyn starts sliding, she now gets a little bit of coyote time for the first 0.1 seconds of the slide, allowing her to slide in midair for a bit when starting a slide right off of a ledge.



Posted by JKSun22 - July 7th, 2024


A few semantics before I begin:

  • "Magli" = Magli Draelyn in mage form.
  • "Draelyn" = Magli Draelyn in dragon form.

  • When Draelyn Fire Tackles into a wall, holding the direction she's facing as she collides now causes her to start climbing with added speed instead of bumping off the wall (assuming she hadn't used up her wall climb already...).
  • Holding crouch near the end of Draelyn's Fire Tackle will now cause her to slide out of it at the cost of some speed.
  • The height of Magli's wall jump now decreases for each successive wall jump performed before landing.
  • Magli now slides down walls faster.
  • Magli's first wall jump after leaving the ground now refreshes her glide, as well as Draelyn's wing jumps and wall climb.
  • Draelyn's wall vault refreshes Magli's original wall jump height, which will grant the above benefits once again.
  • Magli Draelyn's attacks no longer shift her Temper Meter into the blue or orange vulnerability thresholds.
  • The on-hit temper increase of Draelyn's Fire Tackle and Fireball have been increased by 1, guaranteeing a net +1 temper increase when hitting at least one enemy/block.
  • Trimmed/simplified all Ch. 0 levels (removed a bunch of text, removed excessively technical rooms, simplified some other rooms).



Posted by JKSun22 - June 21st, 2024

Here's a list of changes I've made to the game since posting it on Newgrounds (some were based on feedback I received):

  • When holding the direction away from a wall Magli Draelyn is sliding down / climbing, she will now remain on the wall for a quarter of a second before letting go instead of letting go of the wall instantly.
  • Magli's glide now activates when the jump button is re-pressed and held to prevent accidentally wasting it at the peak of her jump.
  • Shift and Ctrl keys now have their functionalities swapped (i.e. Shift is now Crouch).
  • Escape key now pauses the game instead of the Enter key.
  • The temper meter (health bar) now starts closer to the middle of the green area instead of right next to the blue area.
  • The UI now fades whenever Magli Draelyn gets close to the top of the screen.
  • You can now toggle which form to start / restart in for levels where Magli Draelyn can change her form (i.e. Ch. 0-3 and onward).
  • Textboxes that have more than one page of text are indicated by a ">>" near the lower-right corner of the box.
  • The level select screen now remembers the last level you entered and automatically selects the next level when a level is cleared.

My deepest apologies to those who suffered from my severe lack of foresight when designing Ch. 0-1:

  • Separated star-throwing hint bubbles in the second room of Ch. 0-1.
  • Removed an off-screen overhang at the end of the the sixth room of Ch. 0-1.
  • Simplified the layouts of the seventh and ninth rooms of Ch. 0-1.
  • Relocated Knigel a good distance away from the goal in the last room of Ch. 0-1.

P.S.: Thank you for the frontpage and for 1,000+ views!
